
Impossible - Shontelle


不太喜欢这张专辑的封面,for me it's just too commercial.

但是歌曲本身又不是这么一回事儿。第一次听到它是在X FACTOR,情感表达力度很强的一首歌。听了一次,也不知是怎么,仿佛按下了record,在之后留意的各种比赛中, 被接连反复翻唱。后来JAMES ARTHER也有一个放在专辑里的version。

但是依然最喜欢这个original version.歌曲里边的深痛很打动我。这种痛的感觉混合shontelle具穿透力的嗓音直入骨髓,让人想要跟着歇斯底里、一并喊出自己心中的痛。突然有些明白为何总有人要翻唱它了。


I remember years ago我仍然记得多年以前

Someone told me I should take 有人告诉我一定要小心

Caution when it comes to love 当你爱上一个人的时候

I did, I did 我有这样做了,我做了。


And you were strong and I was not 你很强大,而我不是

My illusion, my mistake 这是我的幻想也是我的错误

I was careless, I forgot 我真是粗心,我忘记了

I did 我确实忘记了


And now when all is done 现在一切都已经发生了

There is nothing to say 已经没什么好说的了

You have gone and so effortlessly 你离开了我,不加任何挽留的努力

You have won 是的 你赢了


You can go ahead tell them 你尽管去告诉他们吧

Tell them all I know now 告诉他们我现在知道的一切

Shout it from the roof tops 从屋顶上对他们大喊

Write it on the sky line 把一切都写到天上去

All we had is gone now 告诉他们我们已经彻底一拍两散


Tell them I was happy 告诉他们我很开心

And my heart is broken 虽然我的心碎了

All my scars are open 我脆弱的心灵上有着绽裂的伤痕

Tell them what I hoped would be 告诉他们我曾经幻想过的一切

Impossible, impossible 都是不可能的,都是空想

Impossible, impossible 不可能的,不可能的。


Falling out of love is hard 从爱情中抽身而出是很困难的事情

Falling for betrayal is worst 遭到背叛而放弃爱情是最痛苦的局面

Broken trust and broken hearts 失去的信任,破碎的心

I know, I know 我知道的,我知道的。


Thinking all you need is there 以为你所需要的一切都在我这里

Building faith on love is worst 把爱情当作信仰还真是愚蠢

Empty promises will wear 空洞的承诺总会磨损殆尽

I know, I know 我知道的,我知道的。


And know when all is gone 现在我知道一切都过去了

There is nothing to say 已经没什么好说的了

And if you're done with embarrassing me 如果你想要让我难堪

On your own you can go ahead tell them 随便你,尽管去告诉别人吧


Tell them all I know now 告诉他们我现在知道的一切

Shout it from the roof tops 从屋顶上对他们大喊

Write it on the sky line 把一切都写到天上去

All we had is gone now 告诉他们我们已经彻底一拍两散


Tell them I was happy 告诉他们我很开心

And my heart is broken 虽然我的心碎了

All my scars are open 我的精神上有着绽裂的伤痕

Tell them what I hoped would be 告诉他们我曾经幻想过一切应该如何

Impossible, impossible 都是不可能的,都是空想

Impossible, impossible 不可能的,不可能的。



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